Here’s to you Mrs. Roberts

  When I moved to this little village around this time last year, I made it known that I wanted to get involved in village life. ‘I’ll have Mrs. Roberts pay you a call’ was the answer, and pay me a call she did. She was eager and excited to find a willing volunteer, and … Continue reading

Simple pleasures, Jane Austen and Sheep

  Jane said it best (as she always does): “I must learn to be content with being happier than I deserve.” — Jane Austen     We have lived here in the breathtakingly beautiful countryside for almost one year now.  The time has simply flown by.  I am so pleased that my family still finds … Continue reading

Might as well face it, I’m addicted to…

  B-R-E-A-D Bread.  Yes bread!  I’ve started making my own bread and I’m hooked.  I’ve tried a number of recipes, each one with their merits.  I first embarked on this journey a few weeks ago when I made my first loaf – a supremely delicious Honey Whole-Wheat recipe courtesy of Martha Stewart (brought to my … Continue reading

Red Letter Day

Today was a monumental day for my family, but most of all for my son.  Today we went to church together.  Today we actually stayed through the entire service.  And today my son was content and happy to be at church with us. This may not seem like much of an accomplishment to you, but … Continue reading

I can no longer deny it…

I have spent most of my life trying to convince myself  that growing up in a small town doesn’t make a person ‘small town’.  I was born and raised in a small town and had a very enjoyable, safe childhood, but I knew I would never want to live there were it my choice. I wanted to be surrounded by culture, art … Continue reading

Everything’s Coming Up Rainbows

A few weeks ago I embarked on a mission to find a cake that would wow my soon-to-be four-year old daughter on her birthday.  I searched online, rummaged through cookbooks, and asked friends.  I fell in love with a six layer rainbow-colored cake topped with buttercreme.  I was unsure as to how tricky this cake might … Continue reading

Happy Birthday to you, dear husband

At the beginning of January my wonderful husband celebrated a big birthday.  Normally we would just have the family around, cake, gifts, etc – but this year I convinced him we needed to have a party.  He invited friends and family close to his heart and I took charge of the food.  Now I don’t know about … Continue reading

Pre-school Christmas Celebrations

The children had their Christmas party at pre-school today.  My daughter had been practicing the songs and hand movements for the past month, and was very excited to perform in front of an audience.  As she stood there, reindeer hat and all, stagefright set in and she barely sang a peep except for her favorite … Continue reading